
We’ve worked with some of the biggest B2B global brands from the heavy industry, transport & logistics and health & hygiene sectors, but our client list goes much wider. In overcoming communications challenges for clients, we focus on key themes such as sustainability - which cuts across all sectors in the current climate. In short, whatever your priority is, it’s likely we have the expertise to deal with it.

Collaboration is a key strand in our company culture and we believe it’s key to continuous improvement. We have a robust coaching, mentoring and training programme for all our people, sharing best practice across the business.


This is entirely up to you. If you have a written brief then great, but often we help to shape that brief too. Rest assured we’ll ask lots of questions and challenge your brief if we feel a different approach could give you a better end result.

No, we believe in a partnership approach. And that starts with investing the time to understand your objectives up front.

This will depend on the client and the project. If it’s strategy, for example, then our Group Account Director will be involved. If it’s video, then our video producer will take the lead. Crucially, you’ll always have one day to day contact to keep things simple.

Our focus is on collaboration, which is why we invest time to understand your business, meet key individuals and see your premises up front. We’ll also invite you to do the same at CWA. After that we’ll adapt ourselves to how you work – applying our best practice standards to suit your individual requirements.


Click here to see our case studies online. If you want to see examples of specific work just let us know and we can send it to you. We’re also happy to provide testimonials or references.

Once you’ve paid your invoice, then you do. No arguments. If you need us to send you the raw video footage or working files for other tactics after a job is completed, we'd be happy to do so.


Every single client is different and that’s why we love our work so much. Whilst the majority of our work is in B2B markets, we deal with everyone from the Chairman or MD, to in-house designers, busy marketing teams and product managers. Increasingly, we are working much more closely with sales teams too.

We keep time sheets to ensure we manage your budget effectively, but unless the brief changes, we don’t watch the clock. We focus on doing a great job.


The most important thing is to understand what success looks like for you. Evaluation can take many forms, such as tracking codes on email campaigns, or website analytics to measure enquiries. We can even set up CRM systems to help communicate with those leads. Above all, we will set KPIs to make sure we are meeting objectives and take steps to understand how things could have been done better.

Digital Fitness

Simple – we interpret the data so it’s not just numbers and bring this insight back to your marketing plan, feeding it into the strategy that shapes our activity. Often, we perform split testing to measure what works best and our approach is always based on what data tells us is working most effectively.

We are a full-service agency and have developers that can create bespoke digital comms assets. Some of our key services are listed here but we can also create new tactics to solve particular problems, for example our bespoke digital conference software created during the pandemic.

One of the biggest things impacting the digital space is data security. We are one of the few marketing agencies that holds ISO/IEC Information Security Management accreditation, giving you confidence that we are handling and managing your data in a secure manner. Each member of the CWA team is trained thoroughly on this.


We respond to your individual needs and how you want work. The best way for both parties is to work on a long-term basis, which ensures we build knowledge of your sector, your business and your team. This can be project-by-project or with a retainer fee, which is more effective with resources and budgets.

We do. By their nature, these have to be bespoke, usually involving your basic assets in the form of a toolkit (name, logo, stationery, templates, signage/livery and more), then an essential deliverable like a new website or sales tools, like a brochure.

This is down to people and processes. Our people are used to managing time and deadlines, working to processes that have been tested to be as efficient as possible. All projects have timing plans so that you and our entire team know what is happening and when. The role of our Studio Manager is specifically to manage work through the agency, so it’s delivered on time and on budget. We always try and schedule capacity into the studio for unexpected events too.


We have a basic rate card, which is available on request. After discussing your brief and identifying exactly what you need, we’ll cost your project depending on the resources needed to deliver it. Of course, more favourable rates are available for long-term arrangements.